Why is this planner better? Why should I buy it? Is it for me?

Why is this planner better? Why should I buy it? Is it for me?

Why is this planner better?? First of all, Reaching our goals is no game and must be taken seriously. Our future could depend on whether we reach our goal or not; a successful career, a good business, more money, constant improvement in every field of our lives. These...
How to rise above boredom with the Ifocus Business Planner?

How to rise above boredom with the Ifocus Business Planner?

If someone dislikes their job and wants to get rid of the boredom, the best way to do it is: To find a new goal that is worth working for. To add a bit of playful gaming element to it.   This obviously isn’t always easy as it requires some extra mental and...
How to play the productivity game with the Ifocus Business Planner

How to play the productivity game with the Ifocus Business Planner

You can play the game by yourself, with your partner, your colleagues, friends or anybody. Due to the design of the planner, if you complete everything every day, you can collect 1000 points per week. Of course, you may get even more, there’s no upper limit. We’d be...